Tag Archives: understanding

Day 31: The Woman Wisdom: The Secret Spirit Of God

Is wisdom just a power, force, or idea? How did Solomon—the king to whom God gave the gift of extraordinary wisdom—portray this spirit with which he was so familiar? Did Jesus speak of Wisdom as a spiritual idea, or an actual spiritual being? Why has God kept Wisdom such a closely-guarded secret, and what kind of person will he entrust this secret to?

Join Monica Dennington as she goes straight to the Bible to discover Wisdom’s personal testimony, and to allow her to answer these questions for herself.

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Day 6: Fasting 101: Getting To The Heart Of The Matter

What is the purpose of fasting? Why does God want you to do it? How can you avoid the mistakes that the Pharisees made in the way that they fasted? And how can you know when you’re doing it right?

Join Monica Dennington as she goes straight to the Bible to show you how to get to the heart of the matter when it comes to fasting and praying—and in doing so, how to get to the heart of God.

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Wife Of God: The Creation Of The Holy Spirit

  Welcome to Session Six of Tic Toc Ministries groundbreaking seminar, The Seven Spirits Of God! Did the Holy Spirit have a beginning? How was she created, and for what purpose? Is she equal with God the Father? What is the nature of her relationship with Him, and what does that tell us about her […]

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