Tag Archives: Joseph Smith

For Mormon Christians: A Prophetic Word From The Lord

A prophetic word from the Lord to Mormon Christians, originally spoken on October 5, 2011. Instruction and warning from the Lord to Mormons who remain faithful to Jesus Christ in these end times.

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King James Only? … The Final Word

Is the King James Version the only accurate translation of the Bible? Is it the will of God that we study, teach, and preach only from the KJV? And are we in disobedience to God when we use any other translation? Join me as we go straight to the Bible for the answer to the question: “Should we use the KJV only?”

Join me as we go straight to the Bible for the answer to the question: “Should we use the KJV only?”

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Do You Have The Blood Of The Bride On Your Hands?

Description: How has God prescribed that we use our sword, the Holy Word of God? How can we tell, and what are the consequences, if we are using human words to divide the body of Christ instead of God’s Word? Join me as we go to the Bible to discover how we can avoid being […]

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