Tag Archives: original


A music video of an original song from Monica Dennington

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Saved Through Childbearing: Honoring Eve

Session 9 (Length 21:57) What does the Bible mean when it says that women will be “saved through childbearing”? Does this mean that women have to have babies in order to get into heaven? And if not, what is it that women are being saved from, and how will God use childbearing to do it? […]

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Shamefaced And Sober: The Godly Woman

Session 8 (Length 18:10) How does a godly woman make herself beautiful? Does God expect her to wear the shame of Eve’s sin on her face? And when she is told to adorn herself with sobriety, does this mean that she must always be serious and stern? Or does the Bible leave room for a […]

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King James Only? … The Final Word

Is the King James Version the only accurate translation of the Bible? Is it the will of God that we study, teach, and preach only from the KJV? And are we in disobedience to God when we use any other translation? Join me as we go straight to the Bible for the answer to the question: “Should we use the KJV only?”

Join me as we go straight to the Bible for the answer to the question: “Should we use the KJV only?”

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