Tag Archives: panic attack

Anxiety, Ambition, And Provision: How To Descend To Greatness

Do you struggle with anxiety? Do you imagine that if you have more success you will have less anxiety? What three aspects of ambition cause anxiety? And what powerful antidote does Jesus offer that will alleviate these fears and insecurities?

Join Monica Dennington as she goes straight to the Bible to find out how to fight back when anxiety attacks.

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Anxiety and Your Fear Of Pain: Don’t Reap The Whirlwind!

How can the fear of pain deceive you into making unwise decisions? How does your desire to avoid pain result in anxiety? What realization can help to alleviate this anxiousness? And how can you be sure that the inevitable pain of life results in more than just “reaping the whirlwind?”

Join Monica Dennington as she goes straight to the Bible to help you find the Great Physician’s prescription for peace

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