Tag Archives: second coming

Done With Sin: How The Bride Defeats The Beast

As evil comes into full bloom in the end times, according to the book of Revelation, how does the Church move from corruption to innocence? How can a Bride being called out of Babylon ever regain her purity? How will God’s wisdom prevail over the sin that has dominated the hearts of men from ancient times, and overcome Satan once and for all? Is it really possible, in this corrupted generation, to produce a snow-white Bride, free from spot or wrinkle?

Join Monica Dennington as she goes straight to God’s Word to to find out how you can be done with sin, and how the Bride defeats the beast!

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Blood, Fire, And Billows Of Smoke: Facing Your Fears In The Book Of Revelation

How can we have peace in these end times when we read the prophecies in Revelation about the terrible things to come? As we observe the prophesied tribulations currently coming to pass in the earth, as well as Christian brothers and sisters all over the globe experiencing the beginnings of the universal persecution of Christians also predicted in Revelation, how are we reconciling ourselves to these things? And as the strong delusion, also foretold in the Bible, begins to fall on the minds of men, how can we be sure to escape it?

Join Monica Dennington as she goes straight to the Bible to find the key to spiritual survival in these end times.

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