Tag Archives: holiness

Waiting For Heaven?: God’s Ready Now!

What does human authority have to do with the Holy Spirit? Does the guidance of the Holy Spirit lead you away from obedience to others…or towards it?

Join Monica Dennington as she goes straight to the Bible to decide where the Spirit is really leading you.

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Antidote To Anxiety: God’s Solution To Mind Pollution

What do your thoughts have to do with anxiety? How can the things you watch, listen to, and think about affect your peace of mind? Just how toxic is the mind-pollution that you’re exposed to every day? And what antidote does the Bible give for an anxious mind?

Join Monica Dennington as she goes straight to God’s Word to find out how you can alleviate anxiety by taking the Great Physician’s prescription for peace.

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Hair Dye & Jewelry & Make-Up… Oh, My!

Does the Bible forbid the use of hair dye, make-up, or jewelry by people in the Body of Christ? What does the use of such adornments say about a person’s character? What is the danger of speaking out against people — especially women — who don’t dress the way you believe they should? And what is God’s personal feeling about jewelry/outward finery?

Join Monica Dennington as she goes straight to the Bible to find out how a study of such supposedly “women’s issues” — for both men and women in the Body of Christ — exposes God’s heart towards His people…as well as your own.

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Done With Sin: How The Bride Defeats The Beast

As evil comes into full bloom in the end times, according to the book of Revelation, how does the Church move from corruption to innocence? How can a Bride being called out of Babylon ever regain her purity? How will God’s wisdom prevail over the sin that has dominated the hearts of men from ancient times, and overcome Satan once and for all? Is it really possible, in this corrupted generation, to produce a snow-white Bride, free from spot or wrinkle?

Join Monica Dennington as she goes straight to God’s Word to to find out how you can be done with sin, and how the Bride defeats the beast!

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Garbage In, Garbage Out: TV, Movies, And Music

Does God want me to watch television? As a Christian, should I only listen to music artists / bands who are on Christian music labels? Does God want me to throw away all of my secular music / movies / media? How can I answer God’s call to be holy as He is holy, while […]

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