Tag Archives: purity

Antidote To Anxiety: God’s Solution To Mind Pollution

What do your thoughts have to do with anxiety? How can the things you watch, listen to, and think about affect your peace of mind? Just how toxic is the mind-pollution that you’re exposed to every day? And what antidote does the Bible give for an anxious mind?

Join Monica Dennington as she goes straight to God’s Word to find out how you can alleviate anxiety by taking the Great Physician’s prescription for peace.

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Day 30: Keeping The Wolves Out: How To Protect Your Purity

With so many wolves that come to infiltrate our Christian fellowships, how can you stay safe? What is purity, why is it so important to God, and how does Satan sneak in to destroy it? What are the distinguishing characteristics of those who come to pollute your pure devotion to Christ? And what are the true motives behind the arguments and divisions they bring?

Join Monica Dennington as she goes straight to the Bible to find out how we protect the purity of the Bride of Christ.

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Sibling Rivalry: The Battle of the Sexes in the Body of Christ

Why does God call the members of the Body brothers and sisters? In the church, what is the proper relationship between men and women who are not married to each other? Are all males in authority over all females in the body of Christ, strictly on the basis of gender? According to Scripture, how are […]

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