Tag Archives: goals

A Change In Priorities: A New Desire

How do the things you desire shape your priorities? What does it mean that God will give you the desire of your heart? Is your desire for God just one more thing on your wish list? Why is God intent upon refining all of your goals and dreams down to one, single, all-consuming desire to know Him?

Join Monica Dennington as she takes you straight to God’s Word to find out why having a pure heart is a prerequisite for seeing God, and how God plans to bring about real change in your life by giving you a new desire in 2012.

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A Change On The Inside: A New Way to Win

What kind of change would you like to see in your life this year? Why do our “New Year’s resolutions” so commonly fail to produce lasting results? How does God’s approach to change differ from our approach? And how does God’s Word reach beyond our surface behaviors to effect real change in our lives?

Join Monica Dennington as she takes you straight to the Bible to find out how you can experience inside-out change in 2012.

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