Tag Archives: resolution

W.A. Criswell and the “Curse of Ham”

The fact that the Curse of Ham was preached by this early leader of the conservative resurgence should lay to rest any question as to whether it was accepted in the SBC.

No, it didn’t make its way into the Baptist Faith & Message. But coming from one of the most respected leaders in SBC history, from the pulpit of historic megachurch First Baptist Dallas (which reached a membership of 28,000 under Criswell), one thing is sure.

It did make its way into the ears and hearts of many Southern Baptists.

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A Change On The Inside: A New Way to Win

What kind of change would you like to see in your life this year? Why do our “New Year’s resolutions” so commonly fail to produce lasting results? How does God’s approach to change differ from our approach? And how does God’s Word reach beyond our surface behaviors to effect real change in our lives?

Join Monica Dennington as she takes you straight to the Bible to find out how you can experience inside-out change in 2012.

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