Tag Archives: change

The Darkness Is Rising: Preparing For Change

As the darkness rises in these end-times, do you feel you’re prepared to hear God’s voice? Have you been convinced that your shepherd has forgotten you? Does God’s plan include you – even if you’ve stumbled in your relationship with Him? And what steps can you take to prepare your heart to hear His voice this week?

Join Monica Dennington as she takes you straight to the Bible to help you make forward progress in your relationship with God.

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A Change Of Loyalty: A New Kingdom

How does coming out of Babylon change your traditional loyalties? Why does Jesus say that if you love even your family members more than Him, you are not worthy of Him? How does being included in God’s kingdom change your relationships, and how will this change express itself in your real life?

Join Monica Dennington as she goes straight to the Bible to find out what it means to be loyal to God’s kingdom, as she concludes her Sunday morning series on real change in 2012.

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A Change Of Heart: A New Creature

What does it mean to have a circumcised heart? Why is this heart surgery something that can only be done by Jesus? And what is the culmination of this change that God is affecting in our lives — the promise that we have to look forward to?

Join Monica Dennington as she goes straight to God’s Word to find out how to become a new creation with a brand new heart.

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A Change In Priorities: A New Desire

How do the things you desire shape your priorities? What does it mean that God will give you the desire of your heart? Is your desire for God just one more thing on your wish list? Why is God intent upon refining all of your goals and dreams down to one, single, all-consuming desire to know Him?

Join Monica Dennington as she takes you straight to God’s Word to find out why having a pure heart is a prerequisite for seeing God, and how God plans to bring about real change in your life by giving you a new desire in 2012.

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A Change Of Mind: A New Way Of Thinking

How are your patterns of thought related to who you are? What are the consequences of spending your time thinking about the wrong things? And how can thinking about the right things bring about a transformation in your character?

Join Monica Dennington as she goes straight to the Bible to find out what God wants you to think about, and how this new way of thinking will bring about the change you’re looking for — a change from the inside — in 2012.

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A Change In Position: A New Attitude

Why does the change that God is effecting in our lives begin with the work that Jesus Christ did on the cross? How did our relationship to God change as a result of Jesus’ sacrifice? And why is this change necessary in order for us to move forward with God’s plan to purge our hearts of sin?

Join Monica Dennington as she takes you straight to the Bible to find out more about your new position in God’s kingdom, and how this new attitude will enable you to take the first step toward real change in 2012.

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A Change On The Inside: A New Way to Win

What kind of change would you like to see in your life this year? Why do our “New Year’s resolutions” so commonly fail to produce lasting results? How does God’s approach to change differ from our approach? And how does God’s Word reach beyond our surface behaviors to effect real change in our lives?

Join Monica Dennington as she takes you straight to the Bible to find out how you can experience inside-out change in 2012.

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